On Child Development, This Is the Influence of Gadgets

On Child Development, This Is the Influence of Gadgets

On Child Development center, This Is the Influence of Gadgets

The easiest way for today's parents to calm a fussy child is to give them gadgets. However, did you know that this habit is not actually recommended, you know.

According to data reported by the New York Times, 70 percent of parents admitted to allowing their child (age 6 months – 4 years old) to play mobile devices, when they were doing household chores. In addition, 65 percent do the same to calm your child when in a public place.

According to a psychologist professor from Temple University, USA, this phenomenon is really dangerous. The expert said that if children can not escape from this "digital candy", it can have a negative influence on their social development.

Influence The Child's Mental

According to a psychology professor from Iowa State University, playing video games can increase the likelihood of depression in a child. He conducted research to find out about the relationship between video games and cases of depression in children and adolescents. According to him, when the child has a problem, the easiest escape by playing video games. So, what's the impact?

Unwittingly, it will lead to dependency and cause them to become increasingly isolated from social life. As a result, they will be prone to depression when "forced" to deal with the real world. Not only that, when researched further, the influence of gadgets on children also makes their learning values tend not to be good.

The reason is simple, children often prioritize playing gadgets compared to learning. Therefore, parents should always supervise the use of gadgets in children. For example, limit the duration of use to two hours a day for children, or a maximum of three hours for those in their teens.

Disrupted Sleep Schedule and Quality

Gadgets and electronic gadgets that are in the children's room, may have a negative influence on the rest time. For example, viewing social media, watching videos, playing games, or chatting for hours, doesn't rarely make them sleep late. According to experts, parents should not put TVs and computers in the child's bedroom. Not only that, try asking them to turn off their phones at bedtime. Because, playing mobile phone before bedtime can also decrease the quality of sleep.

According to a study, 75 percent of children aged 9-10 who use gadgets in the bedroom, experience sleep disorders that have an impact on their decreased learning achievement.

The Reality Is Inversely Proportional

It is no secret, now many parents who give their children a variety of gadgets for daily needs. Well, do you know how the children's lives of the bosses of giant gadget companies like Microsoft and Apple? Maybe you imagine that the boys are always surrounded by sophisticated devices. Well, the irony is that Bill Gates and the late Steve Jobs kept their children away from the device.

Microsoft's big boss didn't let his three children own their own phones before they turned 14. Despite his children's protests, Gates remained on his stance. Then, when his son had a cell phone, Gates kept his usage strictly set. The reason, the billionaire does not want his children's lives disturbed by the presence of various kinds of sophisticated gadgets.

As for Jobs, it's another story. She doesn't allow her children to use iPad tablets. He also banned his children from bringing gadgets to the dinner table during dinner with the family. As a result, her children are not dependent and addicted to gadgets.

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