Review The Google Duo Video Chat Application - Google has announced his video chat
application on its official blog. Now can be installed on android devices globally on
Google playstore.

When first opened the Google duo
didn't use a Google account to sign in. but using a cell phone number of the
user. We just enter your phone number and wait for verification through sms, if
you did not receive the verification code could also through calls.
It looks very simple, there is only
one video call logo key. After the press will display the contacts list a cell
phone number that is on our mobile devices. If we do not yet exist in contacts
that using Google Duo App, we tap our invite a friend via buttons invite every

In addition, this Google Duo App
directly connecting the front camera and ready to use video calling.
Because features knock-knock, this application will display live the caller's video before answering the call.
source: Google blog
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