Install Play Store On Nokia X and XL V New Update

Install Play Store On Nokia X and XL V New Update

Now. PlayStore can be install to Nokia X platform device like Nokia X , XL X+ with Nokia X platform tool software. although it has been update firmware to V1.2.4.1. many person have face problem with the driver, its was not detected the device as adb while the usb debugging has been activated. 
Don't worry with above problem, i had solved that. you could follow the tutorial at Fix Error Update Driver Nokia X Platform V ok, we can continues to install playstore without any problem. 
you must download tool what we need :
1.Download dan install Nokia X Manager new version here
2.Download Nokia X USB Driver here, then extract in One folder
3.Download GApps for Nokia X here (DO NOT Extract after download finish )

Installation :
  1. Install nokia x driver that you have downloaded above.
  2. Install Nokia X Manager.
  3. Run Nokia X Manager and the click Install ADB Driver.
  4. Active USB debugging and then Plug the device to your PC with USB cable and make sure Nokia X manager can be detect the device. it will detect automatically if the driver is installed successfly.
  5. If device has detected > click Install Gapps > it will show notification that gapps is not include the software > click OK > you will be redirected to windows file manager > choose the that you have dowmloaded above
This tutorial is focused to use sync of google account like contact, calendar and message
Perhaps any App install from playstore may not compatible with nokia x.
please wise with root activity
DWYOR (Do With Your Own Risk)!
Root activity can be lost guaranteed of device.

well. if you still confuse you can follow this tutorial video below. please watch carefully. if you face problem.i will already help you. you can contact me at Contact US
Note : if your browser not support to view video below you can go here