How to Enable Monetize Adsense Matched Content With Native Ads

Matched content AdSense is a feature of Google Adsense that contains the related article. This means that all the articles in your site or blog will automatically appear with the script just put up this kind of ad units.

How to Enable Monetize Adsense Matched Content With Native AdsSurely the existence of this script it is expected it could make readers explore all existing content in the site. This will certainly give you more profit for blog owners.

In addition, there are things that will give you as a site owner profits which are not suspected. As it turns out, Google inserts ads in this unit that resembles the related articles. These ads are usually called with Native Ads.

How to create an ad unit of Match content and monetize it with Native Ads:

1. Sign in to your Google Adsense account

2. Select the "my ads" menu, select the sub menu of ad units and then add a new unit.

3. Select Content matched ads or responsive ads

4. Please customization form display ad unit of Match content

5. in section Ads option. Enable it at the Monetize with Ads.

Well that's how. Easy isn't it?

Unfortunately not all blog owners can use this type of ad unit. Because Google has its own criteria, to determine whether or not a site worthy of getting the ad unit.

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